St. Anthony, Idaho
So you're thinking about coming to UTV Invasion in St. Anthony, Idaho?
Get your wristbands and Camping spots hereHere's a small sample of what you can expect:

Something for everyone
Vendor Area
Vendors are a huge part of our events. Find anything from merch for you and the family to accessories for your UTV. It's all here in one place!

See if your machine is up to the challenge!
Drag Racing
Do you have a rig that can hold it's own against the best of the best? Bring out out to St. Anthony and test its might! Racing for pride or watching for fun; the drag strip is sure to impress anyone.

You know these have 4 wheels, right?!
Wheelie Competition
We know that UTV's are meant to ride on 4 wheels, but it's just so dang fun to see them kick up to 2! Do you think your car can go the distance? The wheelie competition is free to watch and a fan favorite.

These are my kind of people!
Group Rides
This is one of our favorite parts of the entire event! Hanging with our peers and going for an organized ride while enjoying the outdoors. Come by yourself or bring your whole crew. The more the merrier!
Additional Information
Everything else you need to know about this event!
All camping will be purchased through the sandbox RV website
Rugged Radio's
M&M Automotive
Karl Malone Powersports
5PM-Event kick off Group ride (meet in vendor area) all vendors and guests invited. Will pick up at IDRV and EGIN
8PM-Bonfire and Burgers
-BYOB UTV Invasion will supply burgers, chips and condiments (while supplies last)
9AM-Vendor Area opens
11AM-4PM SXS Wars Test n Tune
2PM-Offroad Diaries Group Ride from vendor area-(big loop around entire dunes)
5PM-Dinner and Games
come support our food vendors and enjoy games and activities in vendor area
6PM-Group ride! We will take you out and show you all the must see spots St Anthony has to offer! The staircase, thunder mtn, Choke cherry, Devils dune, Middle bowl and more!
9AM-Vendor Area opens
10AM-130PM-SXS Wars Test and Tune
11AM-Offroad Diaries Advanced
Guided Ride
1PM-Blind Bandit (near vendor area)
3PM-UTV Teeter totter
5PM-Dinner and Games
come support our food vendors and enjoy games and activities in vendor area -Cornhole, volley ball, Horseshoes, and other games.
6PM-BIGGEST GROUP RIDE ST Anthony has ever SEEN!! We will start at the sandbox RV then pick people up at IDRV flagpole, and a final stop at Thunder MTN for anyone there. Then head out to choke for pictures.
930-Movie night (kid night) with Desert Penguin shaved ice-first 50 kids get free shaved ice. Food Vendors will be open late
9AM-Vendor area opens
9AM-1PM SXS Wars-Drag Car classes
11AM-5PM-Force Turbo’s Scavenger Hunt (starts in vendor area)
11AM-Offroad diaries group ride-Start in vendor area-will hit pick up points at IRDV and Thunder
2PM-Sand Tires Unlimited Poker Run (starts in vendor area)
3:30PM-M&M Show N Shine
3:30PM Corn-hole competition
4PM- Whiskey Throttle Sand X Race
830PM-Award Ceremony
930-Movie night with Desert Penguin shaved ice. Food vendors will be open late
Photo Gallery
Check out some photos from our previous events!